Donkeys and Neckers…?

Yesterday feels like weeks ago , we said goodbye with heavy hearts, we all felt a bit sad to leave , we had a great time with the family, hope this tradition can continue for many years to come. after oohs and aaahs by the members of the clan when they saw the Lady folds and became little, we left at noon, I decided after an hour to skip passing the big cities, New York, Philly,Baltimore and DC, and take a longer route west of the cities. I guess it was a good choice as we had perfect weather, no traffic and smooth sailing. We found a campground in Pennsylvania ,arrived after sunset and had a scary five minutes parking the beast. Made her big again, had a few bites and straight to bed, up at 5:30 am the next morning and out by 6:15 am for a long day of driving. Plans were to hit Georgia or close, which we did, We found an empty campground on a small lake just past Columbia,……… SOUTH CAROLINA ! We put thirty dollars in singles and quarters in a slot and that was the price for our own 350 acres. The owner stopped by in his Toyota and enlightened us a bit with the history of the place, it seems to have been an early Woodstock as this placed rock and rolled in the 70’s. There are also three adorable donkeys behind our camper who take care of the grass and in the morning there is going to be a Necker to do the lawn in-front of the lake an our other side. We are curious to see the necker in the morning as he has something special with his lip. Maybe another picture opportunity tomorrow AM. Lots of cotton fields and all kinds of interesting crops around. He told us there used to be car parking Neckers as well. must be the language , cause I had noooo ideaaaa what he was saying . Nice man, about 70 years old and Vietnam vet, lived his whole life on the farm in SOUTH CAROLINA !

Tomorrow am we leave early and fast……. after photographing the grass eating Necker of course !

Tomorrow 300 miles to Yellow Jacket on the Suwannee River, gorgeous.!

The Deep South , You gotta hear it to believe it!

Travel day 28861
Our Neighbors
Travel day 28856
A ford bench
Travel day 28865
don’t know what but it freaked out wife and kids.
Travel day 28873
Not beau though , he has freedom
Travel day 28874
The three amigos
Travel day 28905
Travel day 28916
Sunset in the south
Travel day 28923
cute right
Travel day 28930
Travel day 28867
The inside of I don’t know what but it freaked out my wife and son!
Travel day 28864
Maybe trinkets to lure the Neckers?
Travel day 28869
The Lady in the Deep South
Travel day 28871

Author: roneverdij

Im a newly minted American, live in beautiful South Florida and am very happily married to Deidre and to some extend, Beau the Lab! I have a wonderful son ,Cayman who lives in Portland ,he's finding his way as a young guy. Exciting news , in a few weeks im officially adopting my daughter Sasha. This summer ,2024, we embark on a massive trip to the west. Four months and 14-15 States, many National and not so national parks , many great rstaurants , wineries and moonshine speakeasies! follow us on our trip , I'll post some stories and many pictures and am looking forward to some nasty comments.🤣, lets go !!

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