How about saying yes at Abe’s?

So it was a wild morning to say the least, first those two women, of whom I still don’t know if they are pro or against the evil one!. So at 5:40 a bride and groom appeared at Abe’s house with photographer and video man in hand , Now this is 5:40 AM , gorgeous dress, hair make up the whole ball of marriage wax. Amazing , so I barged in and stole some good shots. If anyone finds these people tell them the shots I took are theirs, free!

Sunrise was amazing Abe posing like any good statesman does. Here are the images.


and at the bottom of Abe’s feet is the Vietnam memorial ,visited by many young veterans this morning, freshly back from our current wars. No friends on the wall but many disturbing memories similar to those engraved in black granite , more then 58,000 of them…… what men do to men.


Look dad, one leg!

Much more to come ….

Author: roneverdij

Im a newly minted American, live in beautiful South Florida and am very happily married to Deidre and to some extend, Beau the Lab! I have a wonderful son ,Cayman who lives in Portland ,he's finding his way as a young guy. Exciting news , in a few weeks im officially adopting my daughter Sasha. This summer ,2024, we embark on a massive trip to the west. Four months and 14-15 States, many National and not so national parks , many great rstaurants , wineries and moonshine speakeasies! follow us on our trip , I'll post some stories and many pictures and am looking forward to some nasty comments.🤣, lets go !!

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